Author's have a website that showcases not only Daycare Diaries but will
give advice, tips, and offer daily education to parents regarding their
childcare needs. They also have are active on Facebook and Twitter,
addressing parent concerns and starting conversations based on pertinent
topics related to daycare. They are posting a series of informative
videos on YOU TUBE to educate the public and to bring awareness and
education where we feel it is lacking. Scheduling speaking engagements
at various forums to address the topics they uncover in Daycare Diaries
and a book tour across many different states. They are marketing at
local hospitals to offer informative talks to new parents. They want to
create a buzz with as many local news and radio stations as well and get
their voices heard by as many people as possible. Their mission is to
give hope to parents that daycare can be a wonderful experience, and
also help to prevent one more senseless tragedy from occurring in a