A central issue of Egyptological research is the question of dating the
original composition of religious or literary texts. Very prominent is a
lively debate about the date of composition of a number of literary
texts, traditionally dated to the Late First Intermediate Period or the
Early Middle Kingdom but known only from New Kingdom manuscripts. Over
the last years, several attempts have been made to date the production
of some of these texts much closer to their first physical appearance.
More recently the discussion has heated up considerably with
contributions that argue for a New Kingdom origin of Merikare, Neferti,
and Amenemhet-a reassessment based on conceptions of Egyptian cultural
history or on linguistic analysis. On the other hand, there is an
equally strong tendency to retain at least the early datings or to
propose even earlier ones for some literary and many more religious
texts. This volume presents both overviews and in-depth case studies of
current Egyptological dating practices and methods. While giving the
'state of the art' of dating Egyptian literary texts, the book also
addresses important methodological issues to provide a basis for future