Over-the-counter (OTC) markets for derivatives, collateralized debt
obligations, and repurchase agreements played a significant role in the
global financial crisis. Rather than being traded through a centralized
institution such as a stock exchange, OTC trades are negotiated
privately between market participants who may be unaware of prices that
are currently available elsewhere in the market. In these relatively
opaque markets, investors can be in the dark about the most attractive
available terms and who might be offering them. This opaqueness
exacerbated the financial crisis, as regulators and market participants
were unable to quickly assess the risks and pricing of these
instruments.Dark Markets offers a concise introduction to OTC markets by
explaining key conceptual issues and modeling techniques, and by
providing readers with a foundation for more advanced subjects in this
field. Darrell Duffie covers the basic methods for modeling search and
random matching in economies
with many agents. He gives an overview of asset pricing in OTC markets
with symmetric and asymmetric information, showing how information
percolates through these markets as investors encounter each other over
time. This book also features appendixes containing methodologies
supporting the more theory-oriented of the chapters, making this the
most self-contained introduction to OTC markets available.