1.1. SAFETY OF CIVIL STRUCTURES Society expects that the failure of
civil structures is extremely rare and relies on the care and expertise
of the professionals involved in the design, construction and
maintenance of structures. This is in particular true for public
technical systems such as transportation or energy supply systems and
structures such as bridges. Structural safety may be defined as follows:
"Adequate safety with respect to a hazard is ensured provided that the
hazard is kept under control by appropriate measures or the risk is
limited to an acceptable value. Absolute safety is not achievable." It
is thus not the structure as such that is designated safe but rather the
people, goods and the environment in its surroundings. The continued use
of existing structures is of great importance because the built
environment is a huge economic and political asset, growing larger every
year. Nowadays evaluation of the safety of existing structures is a
major engineering task, and structural engineers are increasingly called
upon to devise ways for extending the life of structures whilst
observing tight cost constraints. Also, existing structures are expected
to resist against accidental actions although they were not designed
for. Engineers may apply specific methods for evaluation in order to
preserve structures and to reduce a client's expenditure. The ultimate
goal is to limit construction intervention to a minimum, a goal that is
clearly in agreement with the principles of sustainable development.