1 Introduction1.1 Cyber-Physical Society1.2 Data1.2.1 General definition
of data1.2.2 Data for computing1.2.3 The philosophy of between material
and mind1.2.4 Views on Big Data1.2.5 Big networks of data and
humans1.2.6 The shift of science paradigm1.2.7 The fourth industrial
revolution1.2.8 Observed system, data, information, knowledge, humans
and machines1.2.9 Problems2 Discovering Implicit Semantic Link in
Cyber-Physical Society2.1 Semantic Link2.2 A brief history of Semantic
Link Network2.3 Knowledge flowing through semantic links2.4 Modeling
with local views and global views2.5 The Big Gap2.6 The Levels of
Representation2.7 The semantic link networks that enable intelligence3
Dimensions on Data3.1 Different views of Dimension3.2 Dimensions on Big
Data3.3 Multi-dimensional category space3.4 Complex multi-dimensional
space and the tasks of analysis4 Multi-Dimensional Analytics4.1 Data
operation dimension4.2 System behavior dimension4.3 Value dimension4.4
Time dimension4.5 Human dimension4.6 Strategic planning on multiple
dimensions an example5 Unconventional Mapping from Data Space into
Knowledge Space5.1 Mapping Representations into Wikipedia5.2 Mapping
data space into knowledge space with cognition5.3 Mapping data into
human-level concepts5.4 Mapping from representation into knowledge
through complex modeling5.5 From correlation to knowledge5.6 Human
representation and machine representation5.7 Knowledge flow through
cognitive systems 6 Cyber-Physical-Social Infrastructure6.1 The
development of Cyber-Infrastructure6.2 Big gaps between humans and
machines 6.3 Incorporating cognitive architecture into
cyber-infrastructure7 Communities of Cognition and Practice8 New
Paradigm of Science8.1 The evolving paradigm of science8.2 Science
process with data, concept, motivation, thinking, knowledge and
interaction9 The Nature of Big Data Computing9.1 The computing nature
9.2 Problem-driven, data-driven, and data-based problem driven9.3 Beyond
Turing test9.4 Analogical mapping 9.5 Toward an open interactive
computing10 Mapping through Social Space11 The Emergence of
Cyber-Physical-Social Intelligence11.1 Fundamental problem11.2
Methodology11.3 Understanding: extensible mapping from reality into
mental space 11.4 Cyber-Physical-Social-Mental Computing11.5 Laws of the
complex system12 Conclusion13 References