Authors: Halli Villegas, Iryn Tushabe, Katherine Fawcett, Darlene
Madott, Jane Callen, Yakos Spiliotopoulos, Chris Urquhart, Norman
Snider, Linda Rogers, Carly Vandergriendt, Seán Virgo. Preface by Gloria
Vanderbilt. The annual $15,000 Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction
competition is open to all Canadian writers, with two prizes awarded:
$10,000 for the best story by an emerging writer, and $5,000 for the
best story by a writer at any point of her/his career. The CVC Anthology
series features each year's finalists, and is dedicated to the memory of
Carter V. Cooper. From writer, artist and philanthropist, Gloria
Vanderbilt, who sponsors one of the largest literary prizes in Canada,
and who supports this unique Canadians-only short fiction publication:
"I am proud and thrilled that all these wonderful writers are presented
in the CVC Anthology. Carter, my son, Anderson Cooper's brother, was
just 23 when he died in 1988. He was a promising editor, writer, and,
from the time he was a small child, a voracious reader. Carter came from
a family of storytellers, and stories were a guide which helped him
discover the world. Though I, and those who loved Carter, still hear his
voice in our heads and in our hearts, my son's voice was silenced long
ago. I hope this prize helps other writers find their voice, and through
inclusion in the annual anthology helps them touch others' lives with
the mystery and magic of the written word."