The patriarch of experimental pancreas research is REIGNIER DE GRAAF
(1641-1673). He carried out the first experiments with dogs in order to
ob- tain fistular secretion (1664). But only few years later, the just
arisen interest in the physiology of the pancreas was severely set back
by remarks of CONRAD BRUNNER. In 1682, BRUNNER expressed his belief that
on the basis of experi- ments he had carried out the pancreas was a
vitally unimportant organ. He overlooked that after ligation of the main
duct (discovered in the turkey by HOFMAN in 1641 and in a human cadaver
by WIRSUNG in 1642), in the dog an accessory duct (described by
SANTORINI in 1724) usually maintains an adequate flow of secretion.
EBERLE in his monograph (1834) confirmed the emulsifying capacity of the
pancreatic juice which had already been suggested by SYLVIUS (FRAN-
CISCUS DE LE BOE, 1614-1672) and he dealt with the essential enzymatic
functions of the pancreatic juice such as amylolysis, lipolysis and
proteolysis. Since HEIDENHAIN (1875), we know that for example trypsin
(largely isolated by KUHNE in 1867) is situated in the acinar epithelial
cells as zymogen in inactive form; it is thought that the action of
"acid" on the glandular tissue is needed for inducing the "enzymatic
activity". According to what we know now about the central role of
acidosis in the activation of zymogen this topic is, of course, of
topical interest.