These are the proceedings of the Workshop on Quantum Logic held in Erice
(Sicily), December 2 - 9, 1979, at the Ettore Hajorana Centre for
Scientific Culture. A conference of this sort was originally proposed by
Giuliano Toraldo di Francia, who suggested the idea to Antonino
Zichichi, and thus laid the foundation for the Workshop. To both of them
we express our appreciation and thanks, also on behalf of the other
participants, for having made this conference possible. There were
approximately fifty participants; their names and institutions are
listed in the text. Quantum logic, which has now a history of some forty
or more years, has seen remarkable growth during the sixties and
seventies. The papers in the present volume presuppose, by and large,
some acquaintance with the elements of the subject. These may be found
in the well-known books by J.H. Jauch (Foundations of Quantum Hechanics;
Reading, 1968), V.S. Varadarajan (Geometry of Quantum Theory: Princeton,
1968), and C. Piron (Foundations of Quantum Theory; New York, 1976). The
initial program for the conference listed about twenty-five invited
papers. But in the context of a very active and qualified attendance,
other contributions were offered. This volume contains all of them. The
program listed six main topics: I. Classification or different areas of
quantum logic, and open problems. II. Comparison and unification of
different approaches to quantum theories; problems of interpretation.
III. Formal quantum logic; axiomatics. IV. Hodal interpretations of
quantum logic. v vi FOREWORD V. Quantum set theory.