This volume examines the interrelationship of ecology, subsistence pat-
terns, and the observed genetic variation in human populations. Hence,
the book is divided conceptually into the following categories: nonhuman
primates, hunters and gatherers, nomads, swidden agriculturalists, peas-
ant farmers, religious isolates, and modern and urban aggregates. While
many of these populations have experienced (and are experiencing) ac-
culturation as a result of contact with technologically more advanced
groups, the genetic structures described in this volume attempt to
recon- struct the traditional patterns as well as genetic changes
because of con- tact. Most chapters also integrate biological (genetic),
social, and de- mographic data within an ecological frame thus
presenting a holistic view of the population structures of ecologically
distinct groups. The first chapter examines the body of early nonhuman
primate lit- erature that emphasized ecological determinism in effecting
the popula- tion structure of our primate ancestors-relatives. It also
examines more recent literature (since 1970) in which it became apparent
that greater flexibility exists in primate social structure within
specific environmental frameworks. Thus, it appears that our nonhuman
primate evolutionary heritage is not one of ecological determinism in
social organization but one of flexibility and rapid change suggesting
the evolutionary success of our species is based upon a system of
flexibility and that social ad- aptations can be accomplished in a
number of diverse ways.