Capital: La Habana (Havana). Term for residents: Habaneros (males),
Habaneras (females). Major Cities: Cuba's six largest cities (more than
200,000 inhabitants) in order of population (2005 estimates, not
including urban agglomerations) are Havana (2,201,610), Santiago de Cuba
(423,392), Camagüey (301,574), Holguín (269,618), Santa Clara (210,220),
and Guantánamo (208,145). Independence: Cuba attained its independence
on May 20, 1902. It became independent from Spain on December 10, 1898,
but was administered by the United States from 1898 to 1902. Public
Holidays: Fixed official holidays are Liberation Day (January 1);
Victory of the Armed Forces (January 2); International Workers' Day (May
1); Eve of Revolution Day (July 25); Anniversary of the Moncada Barracks
Attack Day, Revolution Day (July 26); Revolution Day, 2nd Day (July 27);
Commencement of Wars of Independence Day (October 10); Independence Day
(December 10); and Christmas Day (December 25).