There is only one international vanguard that brings together the young,
the marginalised and the minorities in the amniotic sac of
globalization: Street Art. It has many names; graffiti, writing,
bombing, urban art, but only one mission: to transform the city into an
open-air museum. Cross the Streets is a multimedia exhibition that
celebrates 40 years of the evolution of street art in Rome. No other
city has such an untouched history and so it is fitting that Rome begins
its cultural regeneration from its streets and its past. Creative
inspiration has always been driven by instinct and these fleeting
moments are preserved as etchings on everything from caves to catacombs,
from Pasquino to propaganda murals. They serve as warnings,
denouncements and exorcisms of fear. Street Art reflects the mood of
modern society. Aside from its strength and artistic beauty, the form
has always been a political and cultural thermometer. Rome remains one
of the most important cities driving this movement and therefore it is
right to celebrate it at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
(MACRO). The museum is able to connect street art to the city in a way
that shows the evolution of art and its making.