The increasing use of biotechnology for the improvement of agricultural
crop species has gained momentum, and recent developments (see Crops J)
have shown beyond doubt the far-reaching implications of
biotechnological approaches for future agricultural research and plant-
breeding programs. The production of novel plants and somaclones showing
resistance to pests, diseases, herbicides, and salt and the early
release of disease-free as well as improved cultivars have become
reality. The present volume comprises 31 chapters and deals with the
impor- tance, distribution, conventional propagation, micropropagation,
and methods for the in-vitro induction of genetic variability in various
fruits, vegetables, grasses, and pasture crops such as grapes,
strawberry, brambles, red raspberry, currants, gooseberry, kiwifruit,
blueberry, cran- berry, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts,
broccoli, cucumber, chico- ry, taro, rhubarb, lettuce, spinach, quinoa,
kale, fescue, bromegrass, Ber- mudagrass, napier grass, foxtail millet,
turtle grass and others. (The cere- als and other vegetable crops are
discussed in Crops J, Vol. 2 of the series). Micropropagation of some
fruit crops such as strawberry, grape, and raspberry is already being
practiced on a large scale in various countries. Likewise,
test-tube-derived plants of certain crops such as brassicas, let- tuce,
and taro and improved pastures are being utilized, while the technology
for mass propagation of certain other crops is being worked out. These
recent developments emphasize the urgent need to arouse awareness among
horticultural scientists and plant breeders to enable them to
incorporate these modern innovative approaches into routine crop
improvement programs.