Decreasing trends of organic matter and plant-available nutrients in
arable soils, other negative consequences of fertilizer inputs and
frequent tillage call for newer techniques in agriculture, one such
technique which has attracted considerable interest is microbial
management. Microbial biomass is a small active fraction of the soil
organic matter which turns over very rapidly, and holds a large pool of
plant-available nutrients. It acts as a source and a sink of nutrients
and is responsive to several agricultural practices. Soil organic carbon
(SOC) has also been identified as a factor that is important to soil
fertility as well as for the environment because of huge carbon
sequestration potential of the soils. Present study was undertaken to
evaluate the influence of applications of straw and chemical fertilizer
on the soil microbial biomass, available nutrient pools and crop growth
under reduced tillage, dryland conditions. The major hypothesis tested
in this study was that the management practices which can increase the
size of active soil organic pool can enhance the nutrient supply rate
and hence crop growth in drylands under reduced tillage cultivation