Susan L. Groenke and J. Amos Hatch It does not feel safe to be critical
in university-based teacher education programs right now, especially if
you are junior faculty. In the neoliberal era, critical teacher
education research gets less and less funding, and professors can be
denied tenure or lose their jobs for speaking out against the status
quo. Also, we know that the pedagogies critical teacher educators
espouse can get beginning K-12 teachers fired or shuffled around,
especially if their students' test scores are low. This, paired with the
resistance many of the future teachers who come through our
programs--predominantly White, middle-class, and happy with the current
state of affairs--show toward critical pedagogy, makes it seem a whole
lot easier, less risky, even smart not to "do" critical pedagogy at all.
Why bother? We believe this book shows we have lots of reasons to
"bother" with critical pe- gogy in teacher education, as current
educational policies and the neoliberal discourses that vie for the
identities of our own local contexts increasingly do not have education
for the public good in mind. This book shows teacher educators taking
risks, seeking out what political theorist James Scott has called the
"small openings" for resistance in the contexts that mark teacher
education in the early twenty-first century.