Schools are among the safest places in America, however, every year our
school children are affected by stressful events. Whether there is war
in another country or death in the schoolyard, these events can
interfere with learning and may have long-term effects on children and
communities. Crisis Prevention and Intervention in the Classroom will
help teachers avoid, prepare for, and manage school crises. Because of
their education, experience with children, and community awareness,
teachers are in a special position to help children understand and learn
effective ways to cope with trauma. With appropriate guidance, they can
observe signs indicating a student's need for more intense intervention
for suicide, aggression, or depression. This book: _ Outlines expected
reactions to stress for children at different ages _ Suggests ways to
help students who are victims of natural disasters, family crisis, or
bullying _ Discusses the roles of various school and community
professionals in addressing school crises _ Lists resources and
websites that offer support services to teachers _ Provides tips to
manage teacher stress when coping with school crisis events