What can explain the persistence of gender inequality throughout
history? Do narratives such as the Eden story explain that dissymmetry
or contribute to it? This book suggests that the Hebrew Bible began and
has sustained a rich conversation about sex and gender throughout its
life. A literary study of the Garden of Eden story reveals a focus on
the human partnership as integral to the divine creation project. Texts
from other Hebrew Bible genres build a picture of robust and flexible
partnerships within a patriarchal framework.
In popular culture, Eve still carries the stench of guilt while Adam,
seemingly unscathed by Eden events, remains a positive symbol of
manhood. This book helps explain why they have had such different
histories. The book also charts the subversive alternate streams of
interpretation of women's writings and rabbinic texts.
The story of Adam and Eve demonstrates how conceptions of gender in both
ancient and modern worlds reflect larger philosophical schemes. Far from
existing as timeless verities, female and male relations are constructed
according to cultural imperatives of the day. Understanding the
different ways that Adam and Eve have been conceived gives us
perspective on our own twenty-first century gender architecture.