The challenges to health, wellness, and health equity in the United
States are massive. No matter what side of the discussion health care
leaders are on, insufficient mental health care, adverse childhood
experiences, substance use disorders, high infant mortality rate, and
declining life expectancy for women are issues that leadership can rally
around. The second volume in the Interdisciplinary Community-Engaged
Research for Health series explores hands-on approaches that leaders can
take in their community. Creating Culture through Health Leadership
focuses on the practitioner's view of community engagement and how
health care leaders can build a culture of health through
community-grown solutions. Volume editor Lina Svedin invites
contributors from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Culture of Health
Leaders program to share transformative leadership skills that advance
health and equity for all. Svedin's contributors span the fields of
business, technology, architecture, education, urban farming, and the
arts, and represent subject matter experts, mentors, and coaches in the
private, public, nonprofit, and social sectors. The volume is a
collection of innovative, engaging case studies that illuminate how
health care administrators and managers can collaborate to lead change
within their organization, in their regional system, and throughout the