Using vendor licensing and fair use guidelines, library collections can
contain thousands of online videos either purchased or through in-house
digitization. In this book, the authors share their knowledge developed
in building and maintaining a streaming video collection. Highlights
include key information and tips, as well as recommended best practices,
for the licensing and acquisitions processes, providing access,
promoting the collection, and evaluating the library and vendor
collections. The authors cover the options for acquiring streaming video
titles and options for hosting videos. The book is structured with an
introduction, a chapter on each key process with subsections on specific
aspects of those processes, and finally with a concluding chapter which
looks at the future of streaming video collections for libraries.
Creating a Streaming Video Collection for Your Library will serve as a
key reference and source of best practices for libraries adding
streaming video titles to their collections or for any library that is
already offering streaming video. Since this is a relatively new area of
collection development, this book will help libraries and video vendors
establish consistent guidelines, licensing models and workflows.