To deliver the focused and current training that rapidly changing
busi-ness environments require some organizations are implementing a
reusable learning object approach to instructional design. As well as
using this approach to create new learning products organizations are
also redesigning existing learning products into learning objects, in
order to standardize those learning products and to create a large
enough database of learning objects to enable reuse. Since existing
instructional design (ID) models may not always meet the needs of
learning object design projects this book describes a study that was
undertaken to develop developed a model that learning designers can use
to redesign existing content into objects. Intended for use by learning
managers, designers, and developers, this model maintains the rigor
provided by traditional instructional design models while ensuring that
the focus remains on the learning design rather than the delivery
technology. By ensuring that instructional design is the cor-nerstone of
learning object development consistency can be created and maintained
between assets and objects and in the structuring and presentation of