COVID-19: The Essentials of Prevention and Treatment elaborates on the
ethology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical characteristics,
treatment principles, rehabilitation and prevention, and prevention and
control measures for COVID-19. Aimed at healthcare workers, and written
to be a practical guide, six chapters cover the following aspects of
COVID-19: respiratory viruses; pathogenesis; case definitions and
diagnosis; treatment; prevention and disease control; and prospects for
the management and research of respiratory virus infections. This book
gives first-hand information on the prevention, control, diagnosis and
treatment of COVID-19.
COVID-19 was recognized as a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health
Organization. It is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Physicians working in China,
particularly where the outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, have
built up knowledge of prevention and control measures, and diagnosis and
treatment of this disease. These insights are now globally relevant. The
authors of this book are senior physicians specializing in respiratory
diseases, pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine, and are all
clinical and scientific research experts working in China, with
particular experience in Wuhan.