In recent years, social and organizational aspects of agency have
become - jor research topics in MAS. Current applications of MAS in Web
services, grid computing and ubiquitous computing highlight the need for
using these aspects in order to ensure social order within such
environments. Openness, hete- geneity, and scalability of MAS, in turn,
put new demands on traditional MAS interaction models and bring forward
the need to investigate the environment wherein agents interact, more
speci?cally to design di?erent ways of constra- ing or regulating
agents' interactions. Consequently, the view of coordination and control
has been expanding to entertain not only an agent-centric persp- tive
but societal and organization-centric views as well. The overall problem
of analyzing the social, legal, economic and technological dimensions of
agent organizations and the co-evolution of agent interactions pose
theoretically - manding and interdisciplinary research questions at
di?erent levels of abstr- tion. The MAS research community has addressed
these issues from di?erent perspectives that have gradually become more
cohesive around the four c- cepts that give title to this workshop
series: coordination, organization, ins- tutions and norms. The
COIN@AAMAS 2007 and COIN@MALLOW 2007 events belong to a workshopseries
that started in 2005, and since then has continued with two e- tions per
year. The main goalof these workshopsis to bring together researchers
from di?erent communities working in theoretical and/or practical
aspects of coordination, organization, institutions and norms, and to to
facilitate a more
di?erent perspectives.