In most of the currency crises of the 1990s, the largest output falls
have occurred in those emerging economies with large currency
mismatches, a phenomenon that occurs when assets and liabilities are
denominated in different currencies such that net worth is sensitive to
changes in the exchange rate. Currency mismatching makes crisis
management much more difficult since it constrains the willingness of
the monetary authority to reduce interest rates in a recession (for fear
of initiating a large fall in the currency that would bring with it
large-scale insolvencies). The mismatching also produces a "fear of
floating" on the part of emerging economies, sometimes inducing them to
make currency-regime choices that are not in their own long-term
interest. Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner summarize what is known
about the origins of currency mismatching in emerging economies, discuss
how best to define and measure currency mismatching, and review policy
options for reducing the size of the problem.