For a number of years, I have been teaching and doing research in the
economics of uncertainty, information, and insurance. Although it is now
possible to find textbooks and books of essays on uncertainty and in-
formation in economics and finance for graduate students and
researchers, there is no equivalent material that covers advanced
research in insurance. The purpose of this book is to fill this gap in
literature. It provides original surveys and essays in the field of
insurance economics. The contributions offer basic reference, new
material, and teaching supple- ments to graduate students and
researchers in economics, finance, and insurance. It represents a
complement to the book of readings entitled Foundations of Insurance
Economics - Readings in Economics and Finance, recently published by the
S.S. Huebner Foundation of Insurance Education. In that book, the
editors (G. Dionne and S. Harrington) disseminate key papers in the
literature and publish an original survey of major contributions in the