In September 1989, a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Continuation
and BIfurcations: NumerIcal TechnIques and Applications" was held at the
Katholieke Unlversiteit Leuven, Belgium. Participants came from 10
countries in Europe and North America and were mainly from universities
and research institutes. This proceedings volume contains 26 of the 38
papers which were presented at the meeting. Abstracts of most other
contrIbutions are also included. The central theme of the workshop was
the solution of parameter dependent nonlinear problems using numerical
continuation. More specifically the aims can be stated as: to descrIbe
typIcal bifurcation problems In sclentiftc, engineering and industrial
problems; to discuss current mathematical ideas and new developments in
numerical analysis and numerical techniques and to describe and evaluate
program packages and to discuss future needs with respect to software.
The interests of the participants extended over the complete spectrum of
theory, numerical analysis, software and applications, and this spread
is reflected both in the composition of this volume and in several of
the papers. For example, there are contributions on the application of
Centre ManIfold and Uapunov- Schmidt theory to derive low dimensional
systems which can be analysed by normal form theory for dynamical
systems or singularIty theory.