In the era of instant global communication, medicine is an international
discipline characterized by a wide range of patient referral systems,
world-wide discussion of clinical and research findings, and an
explosion in the medical literature. Perhaps no field has progressed
more than cardiology in the past few years.
Contemporary Concepts in Cardiology has been conceived as a supplement
to the classic cardiology textbooks for the use of practicing
physicians, cardiologists-in-training, medical students, and research
investigators. This volume focuses on associations between refinements
in the understanding of disease and clinical applications. The material
is presented in a way that limns the latest advances and focuses
thinking towards future developments in cardiology.
The Editors have assembled a respected international panel of
contributors so that each chapter is authored by a well-known specialist
in his or her field. Every attempt was made to avoid the fragmentation
which often characterizes the digest approach. Because the constant flow
of information makes it nearly impossible to construct a timely book on
advances in cardiology, the chapters in this volume describe the current
concepts in cardiology and their underlying rationale, rather than
attempting a comprehensive review of the most recent papers in each