Chapter 1: Overview of Post COVID Scenario in China
Chapter 2: Innovation and Technology Ecosystem: Historical Perspectives
Chapter 3: Drones Activity in Epidemic Prevention and Prospects in the
Post COVID-19
Chapter 4: Social Media Development and Application During Pandemic and
Post-Pandemic from the Perspectives of Recovery and Preparedness
Chapter 5: Towards a Digital China Through Digital Economy
Chapter 6: Big Data and Its Implication in China
Chapter 7: Robotics and Its Advancement in Modern China
Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence and its Importance in Post COVID-19
Chapter 9: 5G and Its Implication to Communication in China
Chapter 10: Evolution from IoT to IoE Era in China
Chapter 11: Going Beyond the "Norm" in Technology and Innovation
Apparatus in Emergency Situation: A Post COVID-19 Society