Discover the benefits of learning networks and the ways positive
relationships can enhance learning for all students, teachers and
We're in the midst of an exciting time in education as schools are
adjusting their trajectory to ensure they're future-ready. Educators are
infusing creative programs and innovative teaching practices to move our
schools forward. This book encourages school leaders to consider
strategies to leverage innovation in their schools, including the
development of meaningful professional learning through educational
This book includes:
Stories of leaders in the field who are demonstrating the innovative
leadership needed to move their school systems forward.
Discussion of the four pathways to connected learning with examples
from educators who are improving instruction through a connected
Exploration of the ways technology can be leveraged to maximize
learning, including connecting learners across boundaries, creating
open lines of communication, establishing a platform for idea sharing
and incorporating innovation within all professional learning
A vision for implementing the ideas discussed in the book along with
practical action steps.
Through the effective use of learning networks, every part of the school
community is empowered to lead change in their schools, maximizing
learning for students and magnifying collaboration and innovation for
Audience: K-12 educators, school and district leaders