Pop music does not define a fixed musical style. It is a musical genre
with many influences. It can be inspired by all existing musical styles:
African music, Brazilian music but why not Indian music etc. Without
being a specialist in all these musics, the percussionist playing a
repertoire of Pop music must have notions of Jazz, R&B, Funk, Rock and
World Music as broad as possible. He may need to imitate this music.
This constitutes a know-how in its own right. The conga player must have
many qualities in addition to adaptability. He must be versatile and
multi-percussionist with the practice of as many instruments as
possible. It must be open to world music because today, music mixes and
merges more and more. In conclusion, this book offers a number of
patterns in various styles noted over time. It is up to you to adapt
them to your taste, your needs and your style.