This fascinating book explains the processes of suburbanization in the
context of post-socialist societies transitioning from one system of
socio-spatial order to another. Case studies of seven Central and
Eastern Europe city regions illuminate growth patterns and key
conditions for the emergence of sprawl.
- Breaks new ground, offering a systematic approach to the analysis of
the global phenomenon of suburbanization in a post-socialist context
- Tracks the boom of the post-socialist suburbs in seven CEE capital
city regions - Budapest, Ljubljana, Moscow, Prague, Sofia, Tallinn,
and Warsaw
- Situates the experience of the CEE countries in the broader context of
global urban change
- Case studies examine the phenomenon of suburbanization along four main
vectors of analysis related to development patterns, driving forces,
consequences and impacts, and management of suburbanization
- Highlights the critical importance of public policies and planning on
the spread of suburbanization