La mayoría de las personas afirma que quiere ser exitosa y feliz. Sin
embargo, son pocos los capaces de sostener esfuerzos prolongados para
lograr sus metas. El problema central radica en mantener la motivación
sin importar cuántas dificultades surjan en el camino. Brian Tracy,
experto mundial en desarrollo personal, nos muestra cómo salvar la
brecha entre lo que decimos que queremos y lo que debemos hacer para
lograrlo, que a menudo requiere retrasar la gratificación temporal y las
soluciones rápidas para obtener una felicidad y un éxito duraderos.
Este libro muestra que la idea típica de la motivación como algo que va
y viene es completamente inexacta. En su lugar existe un conjunto de
leyes que aquí se explican a detalle y que conforman su ciencia. Y, si
aplicas la ciencia de la motivación sistemáticamente en tu vida, tus
sueños se convertirán en tu destino.
The legendary college football coach and analyst, Lou Holtz once said:
"When all is said and done, more is said than done."
These few, yet extremely profound words explain one of the biggest
predicaments that individuals face today. Many of us say we want to be
successful, happy and influential. Yet, very few of us follow up what we
say-whether said to others or ourselves-with specific actions that move
us directly toward those goals. The idea of being successful is an
attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions. Whereas the
actions required to be successful (at work, in our relationships, in
sports competition, etc.) are often difficult and lengthy.
So what do we need to bridge this gap between what we say we want, and
what we must do to achieve it? We need goal-oriented motivation. This
specific kind of motivation is the fuel that takes us across the long
and often uncertain bridge to our desired destination in life.
What would it mean to you to learn how to develop this kind of
motivation on-demand, sustain this motivation through the difficult
periods of life, and instill this motivation so intricately into your
daily life that you make the very idea of motivation unnecessary? All of
that and more is available to you in this cutting-edge, all new program
from personal development expert and motivation master, Brian Tracy.