Condition monitoring of engineering plants has increased in importance
as engineering processes have become increasingly automated. However,
electrical machinery usually receives attention only at infrequent
intervals when the plant or the electricity generator is shut down. The
economics of industry have been changing, placing ever more emphasis on
the importance of reliable operation of the plants. Electronics and
software in instrumentation, computers, and digital signal processors
have improved our ability to analyse machinery online. Condition
monitoring is now being applied to a range of systems from
fault-tolerant drives of a few hundred watts to machinery of a few
hundred MW in major plants.
This book covers a large range of machines and their condition
monitoring. This 3rd edition builds on the 2nd edition through a major
revision, update of chapters and a comprehensive list of references &
standards. Permanent magnet, switched reluctance and other types of
machines are now covered, as well as variable speed drive machines and
off-line techniques.
Contents cover an introduction to condition monitoring; rotating
electrical machines; electrical machine construction, operation and
failure modes; reliability of machines and typical failure rates; signal
processing and instrumentation requirements; on-line temperature
monitoring; on-line chemical monitoring; on-line vibration monitoring;
on-line current, flux and power monitoring; on-line partial discharge
(PD) electrical monitoring; on-line variable speed drive machine
monitoring; off-line monitoring; condition-based maintenance and asset
management; application of artificial intelligence techniques to CM; and
safety, training and qualification.