This reader contains contributions referring to one of the most urgent
problems in systems design: the effects of computerization on human work
and approaches to ameliorate systems design in order to create better
conditions for living human work in a computerized world. Of course the
choice of papers has been operated somewhat arbitrarily. It primarily
reflects the work of IFIP's Working Group 9.1. "Compu- ters and Work"
and of some of its members. The papers were compiled aiming at focussing
on very material pro- blems in the field of "Computers and Work". They
substantively re- flect in several points the discussions and the
concern of the Wor- king Group. Some conclusions from a series of
workshops held from 1980 onward by the Working Group are likewise
contained and directed to the IFIP community and to other parties
concerned. The reader inserts itself into a rather extended line of
activities of the Working Group: in addition to contributions to the two
IFIP Working Conferences on Human Choice and Computers held in 1974 and
in 1979 (proceedings published by North Holland) a recent IFIP Wor- king
Conference on Systems Design For, With and By the Users (held in
September 82, proceedings published in March 83 by North Holland) and a
joint TC3/TC9 Working Conference on Education for Systems De-
signer/User Co-operation (proceedings to be published by end 84).