Computer Science Workbench is a monograph series which will provide you
with an in-depth working knowledge of current developments in computer
technology. Every volume in this series will deal with a topic of
importance in computer science and elaborate on how you yourself can
build systems related to the main theme. You will be able to develop a
variety of systems, including computer software tools, computer gra-
phics, computer animation, database management systems, and compu-
ter-aided design and manufacturing systems. Computer Science Work- bench
represents an important new contribution in the field of practical
computer technology. TOSIYASU L. KUNII Preface to the Second Edition
Computer graphics is growing very rapidly; only computer animation grows
faster. The first edition of the book Computer Animation: Theory and
Practice was released in 1985. Four years later, computer animation has
exploded. Conferences on computer animation have appeared and the topic
is recognized in well-known journals as a leading theme.
Computer-generated film festivals now exist in each country and several
thousands of films are produced each year. From a commercial point of
view, the computer animation market has grown considerably. TV logos are
computer-made and more and more simulations use the technique of
computer animation. What is the most fascinating is certainly the
development of computer animation from a research point-of-view.