Written to bridge the information needs of management and computational
scientists, this book presents the first comprehensive treatment of
Computational Red Teaming (CRT). The author describes an analytics
environment that blends human reasoning and computational modeling to
design risk-aware and evidence-based smart decision making systems. He
presents the Shadow CRT Machine, which shadows the operations of an
actual system to think with decision makers, challenge threats, and
design remedies. This is the first book to generalize red teaming (RT)
outside the military and security domains and it offers coverage of RT
principles, practical and ethical guidelines.
The author utilizes Gilbert's principles for introducing a science.
Simplicity: where the book follows a special style to make it accessible
to a wide range of readers. Coherence: where only necessary elements
from experimentation, optimization, simulation, data mining, big data,
cognitive information processing, and system thinking are blended
together systematically to present CRT as the science of Risk Analytics
and Challenge Analytics. Utility: where the author draws on a wide range
of examples, ranging from job interviews to Cyber operations, before
presenting three case studies from air traffic control technologies,
human behavior, and complex socio-technical systems involving real-time
mining and integration of human brain data in the decision making