This book is dedicated to applied computational intelligence and soft
computing techniques with special reference to decision support in Cyber
Physical Systems (CPS), where the physical as well as the communication
segment of the networked entities interact with each other. The joint
dynamics of such systems result in a complex combination of computers,
software, networks and physical processes all combined to establish a
process flow at system level.
This volume provides the audience with an in-depth vision about how to
ensure dependability, safety, security and efficiency in real time by
making use of computational intelligence in various CPS applications
ranging from the nano-world to large scale wide area systems of systems.
Key application areas include healthcare, transportation, energy,
process control and robotics where intelligent decision support has key
significance in establishing dynamic, ever-changing and high confidence
future technologies. A recommended text for graduate students and
researchers working on the applications of computational intelligence
methods in CPS.