This book promotes the experimental mathematics approach in the context
of secondary mathematics curriculum by exploring mathematical models
depending on parameters that were typically considered advanced in the
pre-digital education era. This approach, by drawing on the power of
computers to perform numerical computations and graphical constructions,
stimulates formal learning of mathematics through making sense of a
computational experiment. It allows one (in the spirit of Freudenthal)
to bridge serious mathematical content and contemporary teaching
practice. In other words, the notion of teaching experiment can be
extended to include a true mathematical experiment. When used
appropriately, the approach creates conditions for collateral learning
(in the spirit of Dewey) to occur including the development of skills
important for engineering applications of mathematics. In the context of
a mathematics teacher education program, the book addresses a call for
the preparation of teachers capable of utilizing modern technology tools
for the modeling-based teaching of mathematics with a focus on methods
conducive to the improvement of the whole STEM education at the
secondary level. By the same token, using the book's pedagogy and its
mathematical content in a pre-college classroom can assist teachers in
introducing students to the ideas that develop the foundation of
engineering profession.