Wheat is the most important cereal crop used directly as human
consumable commodity by the major portion of world's population. An
adequate staple food supply is the first pre-requisite in any country
for social and economic stability. Wheat is the most important grain and
a staple food for more than one third of the world's population. Large
number of products and by products are obtained from this king of
cereals. F2 populations of seven cross combinations Lasani-2008 ×
Iqbal-2000, Lasani-2008 × 9432, Lasani-2008 × 9436, Lasani-2008 × 9444,
Iqbal-2000 × Lasani-2008, Iqbal-2000 × 9432 and Iqbal-2000 × 9436
involving cultivars/ lines Lasani-2008, Iqbal-2000, 9432, 9436 and 9444
were studied to determine the heritability and expected genetic advance
in order to explore and utilize the hidden genetic potential so that new
high yielding and better adapted cultivars can be developed in order
cope with the rapidly changing environment and global demand of food
with minimum inputs.