CompTIA(R) Security+ SY0-601 Exam Cram, is the perfect study guide to
help you pass the newly updated version of the CompTIA Security+ exam.
It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic.
Extensive prep tools include quizzes, Exam Alerts, and our essential
last-minute review Cram Sheet. The powerful Pearson Test Prep practice
software provides real-time practice and feedback with two complete
Covers the critical information you'll need to know to score higher on
your Security+ SY0-601 exam!
- Assess the different types of attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities
organizations face
- Understand security concepts across traditional, cloud, mobile, and
IoT environments
- Explain and implement security controls across multiple environments
- Identify, analyze, and respond to operational needs and security
- Understand and explain the relevance of concepts related to
governance, risk, and compliance
Exclusive State-of-the-Art Web-based Test Engine with Practice Questions
Make sure you're 100% ready for the real exam!
- Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers
- Multiple test modes
- Random questions and order of answers
- Coverage of each current Security+ exam objective