Financial support from the following institutions, in addition to the
personal contributions of the 200 parti- cipants, made the conference an
enjoyable event - Universite d' Aix-Narseille III - Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique - City of Aix-en-Provence - Faculte d'Economie
Appliquee - G.R.A.S.C.E. Association Fran aise de Science economique -
Air France - Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Marseille - Chambre
Regionale de Commerce et d'Industrie (Provence - Alpes - Cote d'Azur -
Corse) - Compagnie Fran aise des Petroles - Conseil General des
Bouches-du-Rhone - Conseil Regional (Provence - Alpes - Cote d'Azur) -
Electricite de France - Societe Lyonnaise de Banque - Societe Nationale
des Chemins de Fer Fran ais - Union des Assurances de Paris. Both before
and during the conference, Hs. Daniele Durieu, Martine Harciano, Magali
Orillard and Catherine pivot managed to avoid an always imminent chaos.
P. Batteau, C. Jameux, J.L. Le Hoigne and J. de Montgolfier helped
intensively in the organizing committee. The preparation of the
manuscript owes much to Daniele Durieu and Isabelle 1ichelot. J .A.
Bartoli was most helpful in com uterizing the preparation of the general
index. He also benefited in this last respect of the help of our
students I. Bouchet, R. Bout, P. de Cibeins, S. Delaye, C. Mallie, C.
Martin, J-F. Morhain, J-C. Picton, N. Vock, all at the Faculte
d'Economie Appliquee in Aix-en-Provence.