The objective of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive
survey of the topic compressed sensing in information retrieval and
signal detection with privacy preserving functionality without
compromising the performance of the embedding in terms of accuracy or
computational efficiency. The reader is guided in exploring the topic by
first establishing a shared knowledge about compressed sensing and how
it is used nowadays. Then, clear models and definitions for its use as a
cryptosystem and a privacy-preserving embedding are laid down, before
tackling state-of-the-art results for both applications. The reader will
conclude the book having learned that the current results in terms of
security of compressed techniques allow it to be a very promising
solution to many practical problems of interest. The book caters to a
broad audience among researchers, scientists, or engineers with very
diverse backgrounds, having interests in security, cryptography and
privacy in information retrieval systems. Accompanying software is made
available on the authors' website to reproduce the experiments and
techniques presented in the book. The only background required to the
reader is a good knowledge of linear algebra, probability and
information theory.