Our knowledge of the functional characteristics of the plants of
mediterranean-cl imate regions has increased greatly in the past decade.
In recent times the possibility of large-scale util ization of biomass
for energy from these regions has been proposed. In order to assess the
feasibil ity of these proposals we must consider the productive
structure of these plant communities and how they vary through time and
space. This symposium was an attempt to examine our recently acquired
basic knowledge of the environmental I imitations on the productivity of
Mediterranean plant communities in relation to the consequences of the
possible util ization of these communities for energy and chemicals.
Specifically in this book we examine the mechanisms by which plants of
mediterranean-cl imate regions maintain their productive capacity under
the prevail ing conditions of summer draught and winter cold. We
consider the characteristics of leaves, their history, morphology and
plasticity. Evergreen sclerophyll leaves are common to the dominant
plants of all mediterranean-cl imate regions and thus they have
significance in terms of enhancing carbon gain and water-use efficiency
as well as ensuring survival under the prevail ing cl imatic conditions.