The Hans Kleinpoppen Symposium on "Complete Scattering Experiments" th
was held in honor of Hans Kleinpoppen's 70 birthday. It took place in Il
Ciocco, Italy. The symposium had two purposes: to present the work that
Hans Kleinpoppen has done or initiated during his remarkable scientific
career, and to bring people from various fields together who perform
complete scattering experiments. Hans Kleinpoppen's work included
electron and photon impact experiments which were accompanied by studies
of entangled states - a field of high current interest. Representatives
from each of these fields gave excellent lectures on their particular
subjects, and many discussions that started during the sessions were
continued later in the relaxed atmosphere of the Il Ciocco resort. The
breathtaking view of the beautiful landscape will be an unforg- table
memory to all who participated in this extraordinary scientific event.
The coherent and ideal combination of subject, people and location
reflected the coherence of Hans Kleinpoppen's aims and activities in
science and life. We offer our grateful thanks to all contributers who
made this volume such a worthy tribute to Hans Kleinpoppen. We also like
to thank Rainer Hentges for the painstaking work to prepare this volume
in its complete ready to print version. We are also grateful to the
Royal Society of London and the Max- Planck-Gesellschaft who generous
support of the Hans Kleinpoppen sym- sium made this marvelous meeting
and this proceedings possible.