Competition in Europe, which has been chosen as the title for the Essays
in Honour of Henk W. de Jong, contains two key concepts, that
characterize his scientific contribution to Industrial Organisation.
Professor H.W. de Jong is in the first place an economist who is highly
inspired by the dynamics of markets in general and the dynamics and
conditions of compe- tition in particular. In the second place, H.W. de
Jong is a real European economist, not in the sense that his theoretical
insights are limited to Europe, but in the sense that his ideas and
policy suggestions - especially those concerning competition policy -
reflect his sincere involvement in the European inte- gration process
and the economic conditions and perspectives of a Common Market for the
European Community. In his many illustrations of the evolution of
markets and the performance of enterprises in different business
environments, H.W. de Jong also demonstrates his knowledge of historical
and political aspects of different economies in Europe, often in
comparison with the United States and Japan.