Poultry industry is an important portion of the livestock sector
contributing in the national economy and the current status of Pakistan
poultry industry is about Rs. 100 billion. There are about 25,000
poultry farms in the country. Poultry sector generates employment &
income for about twelve hundred thousand people. Its growth rate is 10-
12% annually. Pakistan is producing 10,000 million table eggs & 750
thousand metric tons chicken meat annually. The per capita consumption
of meat is 7 kg & 60-65 eggs annually (Anonymous, 2008) but
unfortunately so many threats & fatal diseases i.e. bacterial, viral,
fungal & parasitic diseases are still disturbing the industry. Among
parasitic diseases, coccidiosis is one of the most important hazard. It
is the disease of poultry caused by an obligate microscopic protozoan
parasite, which belongs to the genus Eimeria (phylum Apicomplexa). Seven
Eimeria species have been recognized infecting chicken: E. acervulina,
E. maxima, E. tenella, E. brunette, E. necatrix, E. mitis & E. praecox.