RYAN: In the headlights, I saw her face. Brown hair swinging as she
turned to stare at us. Brown eyes stretched wide and startled. Then she
hit the windscreen.
TARA: I heard a roaring, shuddering noise. I was in mid-air, arms
and legs stretched out.
Then everything - the car, the guys, me - went rushing and shrinking
together in a tiny glare of light, and I sank into the dark.
Ryan has just got his licence. He's in his car with his mates. Tara
likes to go running. She's on her way back home. Neither of them is
paying much attention...
The tragic accident that follows impacts many lives.
A moving and compelling story of recovery, told by one of New Zealand's
foremost children's writers.
Every young adult who feels 10 feet tall and bullet proof when they get
behind the wheel of a car should read Coming Back.