Leadership development is one of the biggest challenges faced by
organizations today as talent retires with few qualified replacements on
the horizon. This coaching program was specifically designed for middle
managers. Combining coaching, temperament, multi-rater feedback,
award-winning leadership competencies and content from the best
leadership gurus in the industry, coaching provided a flexible means of
tailoring leadership development content to the tempera-ment type of
each client. Weekly coaching sessions used powerful questions,
goal-setting, journaling and accountability, along with exercises done
in their work setting. Participating middle managers immediately
practiced the competencies in a real-time setting and were able to
develop leadership styles unique to each of them. After participating in
the program, co-workers and supervisors of the participants observed a
17% to 60% increase in the use of the coached leadership competencies.
These are the managers being groomed to move up and they can now hit the
ground running! As your organization plans for the future, coaching can
be an important tool for personnel retention, employee satisfaction and
succession planning.