Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a major food crop in the world and
a staple food of Pakistan which plays a remarkable role in meeting the
food requirements of the country.Worldwide wheat provides nearly 55% of
the carbohydrates and 20 % of the food calories consumed globally. Most
of the wheat is growing for human consumption and about 10 % is retained
for seed and industry. On the world basis it ranks after rice providing
chief protein and caloric requirements for one third of the world
population and is consumed in a variety of ways.At present though the
production of wheat is increasing gradually but yield is still trailing
the average obtained in similar ecologies elsewhere. A significant yield
improvement is still possible through the development of high yielding
varieties that are adaptable to various agro-climatic conditions.
Manipulation of accessions for exploring genotypes with best combining
ability and identification of transgrassive segregates by using modern
genetic tools is prerequisite for high yielding varieties. Current
studies on combining ability and authentication of F1 hybrids provided
excellent results in this regard.