Since its inception, the International Research Group on Colour Vision
Deficiencies (IRGCVD) has followed the policy that the Symposium Pro-
ceedings should be as close as possible to a complete record of the
scientific content of the meeting. This policy has the advantage of
providing an accurate picture of the current state of the art in
research on color vision deficiencies, but it also has the disadvantage
that papers typically span a wide range of quality. In this volume,
however, we have instituted a system of peer review in an effort to
enhance scientific quality as much as possible while continuing our past
policy of publishing all submitted manuscripts. In addition to being
edited for English composition and grammar, each of the papers included
here has been carefully reviewed by an IRGCVD member selected for his or
her expertise in the specific topic of the paper. Reviewers were
instructed to include in their comments suggestions for improvement
rather than recom- or rejection. In our opinion, this review process
mendations for publication has resulted in substantial improvement of
many of the articles and has enhanced the value of the publication. We
are pleased to acknowledge the efforts of our reviewers and offer them
our sincere thanks for their important contributions to Colour Vision
Deficiencies X. The Editors B. Drum, J. D. Moreland & A. Serra (eds. ),
Colour Vision Deficiencies X, p. xiii.