Revision with unchanged content. What are the benefits of fostering one
of the most significant pedagogical shifts in recent decades -- from
practices and heuristics based in instructivist and behaviorist theory
to constructivist concepts and approaches, particularly as they take
form in the activities comprising problem-based learning? How have
multimedia technologies affected this shift? What are the advantages of
transforming, through multimedia technologies, how information is
imparted, how individuals discover information, and how a classroom can
become an active, engaging learning environment? This study discusses
three related concepts: the benefits of problem-based collaborative
learning; the value of using multimedia tools in learning systems; and
the efficacy of participatory design as a software engineering
methodology to create multimedia tools to be used in learning systems.
This book may be of interest to educators who use technology to
implement and enhance their curricula, as well as education technology
theorists and researchers.