In competitive sports we prize teamwork. We know that a mature team will
usually beat an astounding collection of individual players. The burden
of creating such esprit de corps falls to the coach and the team of
leaders he has assembled. After all, a team without a coach cannot win.
But what happens when the coach himself does not understand the dynamics
of teamwork? In a similar manner, every leader of every church is a
coach of sorts, with a ministry team responsible for the life of the
church. The question put to you as a pastor is this: Are you a team
player? Even more to the point: Whose team are you building? ""Too many
church leaders,"" writes author Kenn Gangel, ""have fallen into the trap
of personal kingdom-building, a focused concern on one's own and present
ministry without a wider recognition of kingdom participation."" The net
effect of this condition has led to narrow vision, stunted church
growth, and frustrated relationships within the body of Christ. In
contrast, Gangel explores broad and penetrating support throughout the
Word of God for team-based, inclusive, cooperative leadership. From
Jethro's advice to Moses all the way to Jesus's approach to
discipleship, biblical leadership is viewed as a tool to be shared--a
model of servanthood, mentoring, and the mutual interdependence of
gifts. Along the way Gangel explores the character attributes of
successful biblical leadership--common things like humility, patience,
and quiet dignity. From there he reveals how these qualities open an
authentic leader up to the wide and thrilling possibilities of working
hand-in-hand with others in the Lord's work...together. ""I've made a
lifelong study of leadership. There are many names for the leader:
shepherd, pastor, president, chairman, coach. All these are leaders who
gather individuals around them to form a team. My longtime friend and
colleague, Dr. Kenneth O. Gangel, has been doing this for years.
Therefore he knows much about teamwork. In several different ministry
positions he has built teams that functioned smoothly and effectively.
What are the keys to team building? Dr. Gangel has insightfully answered
that question in this volume."" --Dr. Charles Swindoll ""Credibility in
a book on leadership is a special gift. Coaching Ministry Teams is
clearly rooted in experience, not theory. It bristles with successful
stories and successful practice."" --Max De Pree Kenneth O. Gangel
(1935 - 2009) was Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Dallas Seminary,
the Scholar-in-Residence at Toccoa Falls College, and a senior
consultant with Timothy Partners. He held a BA in business
administration, three master's degrees from accredited seminaries, and a
PhD in educational administration from the University of Missouri. The
author or editor of 55 books, Dr. Gangel lectured in over forty
educational institutions worldwide.